一分钱 YIFENQIAN 折扣 优惠


浏览数量浏览 2387点赞数量赞 0发布时间更新于1年前


➡️ 职责:
- 带领协调运营团队,高效完成日常优质美妆折扣、产品类探寻和推荐,从而达到相应的KPI
- 对接商务团队,规划品牌折扣需求,完成品牌推广目标,提出新的合作想法
- 对接Marketing团队,共同策划销售季活动
- 运营数据分析

➡️ 能力需求:
- 对线上类购物网站的品牌优势和折扣情况非常敏感,对美妆、护肤、香水类的重要品牌有清晰的认知和价格敏感度
- 自身对折扣非常感兴趣,也非常喜欢推荐安利折扣以及各类产品给它人

- 对Beauty品类的热门及小众品牌、产品非常了解,时刻关注该品类的发展动态和流行趋势
- 有小团队领导能力,能够合理安排任务和布局,有比较好的沟通协商能力
- 责任心强,做事细心,有耐心,条理清晰
- 中文表达能力优秀,英语有读写听说能力,懂法语/德语/西班牙语/意大利等小语种语

➡️ 工作地点:
- 不限

➡️ 简历投递:
- 请戳此链接进行投递:点击此处投递简历
- 小贴士: 投递简历时,若简单说明下你适合该职位的原因和你的优势,这会让我们更关注你,增加成功率哦

➡️ 开始时间:随时开始,早投递早面试哦


➡️ Responsibilities:
- Lead and coordinate Ops Team, as well operate and explore daily discount and new product to achieve the KPI efficiently.
- Support and communicate with BD department: seeking for better offers, accomplishing branding, giving cooperative advice.
- Collaborate with Marketing Team: planing activities for selling seasons.
- Analysing data of daily operations.

➡️ Profile Desired:
- Be very sensitive to the brand advantages and discounts of online shopping websites. Have clear awareness of famous brands of cosmetics and perfumes and its price.
- Be willing to recommend and share discounts.

Extra points:
- Keep up with hot points of Beauty brands and niche brands .
- Have the ability to manage team and coordinate with other teams, be able to arrange tasks reasonably, and of course have relatively good communication and negotiation skills.
- Strong sense of responsibility, carefulness, patience, and logical
- Excellent Chinese, English fluency required (reading and written), German/Spanish/Italian will be plus points.

➡️ Place:
Workplace is not limited

➡️ Contact:
- Click the link to submit your CV and coverletter 




